EFELE materials are produced by EFFICIENT ELEMENT company, the ATF-DG Group Member. Today EFELE product range is represented by oil for diffusion vacuum pumps, liquid for SCR systems, multi-functional dispersion, anaerobic threadlockers/sealants, liquid gasketmakers, metal-filled mastics, activators and cleaners.
The quality management system, introduced by EFELE, meet GOST R ISO 9001-2011 requirements and is confirmed by the appropriate certificate. It enables to produce the materials with the consistenly high perfomances and features.
EFELE materials allow to minimize costs of various kinds, guarantee the highest possible production efficiency and optimal solution of the technological tasks.
All EFELE products undergo the test both in the company own laboratory and at the large industrial enterprises. Testing in the real production conditions give the opportunity for these materials effective introduction and successful practical application.
EFELE product assortment is continually enlarged to add the most demanded materials both specialty and of general purpose.