Engineering solutions in the field of
lubricants and sealants


EFELE CL-555 Cleaner for the lubricoolant feeding systems is intended for cleaning individual, centralized, and mixing systems prior full replacement of the lubricoolant as well as prior switching to another cooling product. It contains special surfactant species, and detergent additive package.

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  • Applications
  • Video review
  • Features



EFELE CL-555 Cleaner for the lubricoolant feeding systems is intended for cleaning individual, centralized, and mixing systems prior full replacement of the lubricoolant as well as prior switching to another cooling product. It contains special surfactant species, and detergent additive package.


Prior scheduled lubricoolant replacement, EFELE CL-555 Cleaner should be added into the tank at least 8 hours before scheduled system draining. As soon as the cleaner is added, the system keeps operating in its regular mode. Concentration range: 1 to 5% (depending on contamination level). This product presence doesn’t prevent the equipment from operating.

The lubricoolant feeding and filtration system should be cleaned. As soon as the previous lubricoolant is drained, the emulsion of 1 to 2% rate should be poured into the tank up to the minimal level mark, and then recirculation should be started up for 30 to 40 minute period. After this, this small volume of lubricoolant should be drained away out of the tank, and its inner walls and bottom should be wiped dry with rag. Next, the tank should be filled with the new lubricoolant in its working concentration in full volume up to the maximum level mark.


The working solution of bad quality, or prepared in a wrong way can lead to its instability and significantly reduce its service life. Prior full change of the cooling fluid and/or switch to the new materials, it is strongly recommended to fully clean the system and all its components which are supposed to be in contact with the working solution.

Video review

Стандарт Показатель Ед. изм. Значение
Диапазон концентраций готового состава%1-5
Внешний вид разбавленного продуктаПрозрачный
Показатель pH разбавленного продукта10,4
Фактор рефрактометра, %/° Brix%/°5
Оптимальная температура использования, °С °С10 - 30
Оптимальное давление в системе, бар1 - 70
Температура застывания°С< 4
Плотность при 15 °С г/см31,03
DIN 51360 T2Коррозионный порог%5
Фактор щёлочности (pH=5)мл 0,1Н / % / 254,43

