Engineering solutions in the field of
lubricants and sealants



Black paste based on synthetic (PAG) carrier oil.

Operating temperatures

-40°C +450°C


  • Applications
  • Friction units
  • Advantages
  • Problems to be solved with this material
  • The combination of materials
  • Features



Dry lubrication up to 450°C
Reduced friction and wear
Low coefficient of friction
High loadcarrying capacity
Compatible with some types of natural rubber and plastics (test for compatibility required before use)


For assembling, running-in and permanent lubrication of components that are subjected to high temperatures.
Suitable for the dry lubrication of bearings (low rotary speeds), slideways and joints that are subjected to temperatures exceeding 200°C. At higher temperatures the carrier volatilizes leaving virtually no residue, and the remaining dry, anti-friction film alone takes over the only lubrication up to +450°C - even beyond this in a protective gas atmosphere.
As the paste has a synthetic oil base, it is also suitable for lubricating construction elements that consist of materials that are not resistant to mineral oils.
Used successfully for roller and sliding bearings of foundry ladles and converter bearings in steel works, conveyor and driving rollers of belt conveyors, in the bearings of furnace and shuttle kilns, chains and chain conveyor rollers, for joints of ironing presses, for O-rings that are not resistant to mineral oils, lip seals, rubber and cup leathers.

It is used in friction

  • Rolling bearings
  • Sliding bearings
  • Sliding guideways
  • Chains
  • Interference fits
  • Spline / key joints
  • Gaskets


  • Cold resistance
  • Termal (heat) resistance
  • High load carrying capacity
  • Emergency properties
  • Excellent wear protection
  • Compatible with many plastics
  • Compatible with many elastomers
  • Avoidance of stick-slip
  • Easy mounting / dismounting

Problems to be solved with this material

  • Seizure
  • Stick-slip motion
  • Frequent re-lubrication
  • Difficult mounting / dismounting
  • Plastic and elastomer details deformation and destruction

Material combination in friction pair

  • Metal - Metal
Стандарт Показатель Ед. изм. Значение
Базовое маслоПолиалкиленгликолевое
ЗагустительЛитиевое мыло
Антифрикционные добавки (наполнители)Твердые смазочные материалы (в т.ч. дисульфид молибдена)
Верхний предел рабочих температур твердых смазочных материалов, входящих в состав продукта°С+450 (при ограниченном доступе воздуха +630)
DIN ISO 2137Пенетрация неперемешанной смазкимм/10250-280
ISO 2811Плотность при 20 °Сг/см31,7
DIN 51 817Выделение масла (168 ч, 40 °C)%0,7
DIN 51 350 pt.4Нагрузка сваривания (испытание на четырехшариковой машине трения, 1450 об/мин/10 с),Н3800
Критическая нагрузка (метод Almen-Weiland)Н18000
DIN 51 350 pt.5Показатель износа (испытание на четырехшариковой машине трения, 1450 об/мин/800 Н/1 ч)мм0,8
Сила трения при критической нагрузке (метод Almen-Weiland)Н3160
Коэффициент трения для посадки с натягом0,09 (без вибрации)

