Engineering solutions in the field of
lubricants and sealants



Solid lubricating paste for hot forming of metals.

Operating temperatures

-20°C +1150°C


  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Problems to be solved with this material
  • The combination of materials
  • Features



High temperature resistance (up to 1150°C)

Reduces friction and wear
Reduces scoring
Increases service life of tools


Suitable for the lubrication of tools for hot forming, particularly on hotflow presses and drop forging, also as a parting agent and slip additive at high temperatures.
Used successfully for the hot bending of flat steel St 37 or St 70, the rolling of the ends of vehicle leafsprings, folding of sheet metal edges, hot rolling of cutters, and drop forging of flywheels made from St 37, as well as for the lubrication of separator plates on chipboard presses.


  • Termal (heat) resistance
  • Higher load carrying capacity
  • Good wear protection

Problems to be solved with this material

  • Seizure
  • Details sticking after technological operations (pressure forming, molding, etc...)

Material combination in friction pair

  • Metal - Metal
Стандарт Показатель Ед. изм. Значение
Базовое маслоМинеральное
Антифрикционные добавки (наполнители)Твердые смазочные материалы
Верхний предел рабочих температур твердых смазочных материалов, входящих в состав продукта°С+1150
DIN ISO 2137Пенетрация неперемешанной смазкимм/10250-280
ISO 2811Плотность при 20 °Сг/см31,5
DIN 51 350 pt.4Нагрузка сваривания (испытание на четырехшариковой машине трения, 1450 об/мин/10 с),Н2200
Критическая нагрузка (метод Almen-Weiland)Н20000
DIN 51 350 pt.5Показатель износа (испытание на четырехшариковой машине трения, 1450 об/мин/800 Н/1 ч)мм1,0
Сила трения при критической нагрузке (метод Almen-Weiland)Н2300

